{ Emily + Sarah } Wedding at Pismo Beach, Reception at Sea Venture Inn


Sarah and Emily’s beautiful and floral same sex wedding in Pismo Beach California, was so fun and full of love. They are awesome, friendly, adventurous people with an affinity for hiking, exploring and vacationing in Hawaii 🙂 We immediately hit it off at our first meeting over coffee, and I feel so blessed to have received this job. The bridesmaids stunned in blue dresses and both ladies looked so gorgeous in their wedding gowns, under the white floral arc looking over the beach/ocean. Their love is undeniable and portrayed so beautifully through these pictures.  I am so happy for them and wish them nothing but the best in their marriage and life together. So thankful to have been part of their Pismo Beach Wedding!

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Family Photos in Templeton

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These beautiful natural light photos were taken as their daughter heads off to boarding school! The Chamberlains were quick to realize they needed some new family photos for the frames she got for her room there.  And of course, they can use some for their holiday card!  What a treat it is to photograph such lovely people!

Natural light family portraits always deliver a radiating and loving feeling while taking them. Being in the sunshine, having genuine moments with your family, and taking some time to appreciate the moment life has presented you. I love that photography can take a singular moment and make it so beautiful!

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Big Sur Wedding – Gorgeous Ocean View Ceremony

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The Central Coast provides so many beautiful potential wedding locations. I love living in such a diverse and visually stunning area! October Wedding’s on the coast of California are the BEST!  Crystal clear day with the sun shining on the Pacific Ocean made for a lovely small wedding on the cliffs of Big Sur. Central Coast weather certainly put on a show for this couple. Cheryl + Evan + adorable son Torin were so sweet. I love intimate weddings because I feel like part of the family! The cliffside ocean view made a perfect setting for these romantic nuptials. Both parties looked absolutely stunning and I am so honored to have been part of this day. What a beautiful and loving Big Sur Wedding!


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