Photographing families that get together through the years as they vacation on our beautiful Central Coast is such an awesome feeling! I have seen the kids grow and change. It warms my heart to be immersed in the fun-spirited and super-close family dynamic! I feel so lucky to meet so many different families through my job and feel like i’m apart of their experience for a small section of the day. It’s even cooler when you see them year by year and how everyone changes. My job is so fulfilling and enjoyable. Thank you Jones Family for hiring me for your family vacation photoshoot!
{ Johnstone Family Reunion } Shamel Park and Moonstone Beach, Cambria
Family Reunion at Hearst State Beach
Our first photo shoot attempt we encountered blustering winds with sideways blowing rain the day prior, so today seemed like a dream! What a fabulously fun hour, walking, running, climbing, dodging the waters edge. I just love seeing the kids in action and the parents and grandparents enjoying their energy. Looking at these photos injects a little bit of their happiness into me right off the screen, and that makes me happy! Thank you for sharing your time with me.